So what's life like with three kids age 5 and under? We often say it's a lot like herding cats. The pictures below give you just a little glimpse into what that sometimes looks like.
Kay-Kay really wanted to get a picture in front of this beautiful tree with it's gorgeous Fall colors.
Of course we couldn't get the boys to pose with us in the picture. But here's a closer view of us girls with the boys playing in the background.
Here's us trying to get a family picture. I think Kay-Kay and Dawson's faces express it best.
Upon closer look it looks like Caleb may be the instigator.
Surely I don't really look like that when I am lecturing my children about proper picture taking etiquette.
Here's the best family picture we could get: Caleb throwing a fit, Joshua Stephen in action, and Mary Beth looking the other direction.
(I think I need to learn how to do photo shop if we want some good family photos.)
I must say that even though life can be a little chaotic with three Little Ones, I absolutely love it!
I have come to learn to accept a certain level of chaos at all times. Life goes well when I openly embrace the chaos (knowing that it will only last for a season), and not so well when I expect everything to look and work out perfectly. I am so thankful for each of our kiddos. I love that they are close in age and also close with each other.
It may make for some crazy pictures, but it also makes for some fun memories along the way.
We did manage to get one good picture of Mary Beth with her biggest fans.
Thanks for a great visit Paw-Paw Kenny and Kay-Kay!