Friday, April 4, 2008

So worth the wait

After months, and months, and months of waiting (ten months to be exact), it was so fun to get to welcome Sweet Little Ella Diane into the world.
We are so excited for Katie and we rejoice with her over the safe arrival of precious little Ella. Praise God for His good and perfect gifts to us! She is simply adorable!!!!
Maggie welcoming the newest member of our Tuesday night girls time.
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Sweet Ella

These are just a few of my favorite pictures from my recent visit to the hospital to welcome Sweet Little Ella.
Sweet Katie with her precious brand new baby girl.
The Happy Family!!!!
Grandma Connie's first granddaughter.

The proud Charette men holding their newest little lady.

Alex is so excited about his new little sister.
He may be the world's best big brother. (Ella will be well protected.)

What a precious pair- Mother and daughter

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What a treat!

We were so excited to have Kay-Kay, Paw-Paw Kenny and our precious little Beau Dog come for a visit! We had a fun filled couple of days and Kay-Kay and Paw-Paw Kenny spoiled us with lots of fun treats. We were greeted with bags full of new toys and books for the boys and yummie Texas delicacies for us to enjoy (we can't live without our candied jalapeños and Texas salsa). Paw-Paw Kenny took us to see "Horton hears a Who". He was eager to see how his biggest buddy would like this Dr. Seuss classic, and of course Joshua Stephen loved every minute of it. After a day of shopping, we were treated to some beautiful new bedding for our master bedroom as our early anniversary gift (Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!). Kay-Kay cooked up a storm and made us some of her delicious mac n' cheese. We also got to sneak out during nap time and run some errands with just the two of us, which was a fun treat. All in all, it was so fun to see our Paw-Paw Kenny and Kay-Kay and we were so sad to see them go. We just can't wait to see them again!

Don't you just love Joshua Stephen's famous "Cheeeeeeese" smile
Caleb just loves his Kay-Kay.
Oh, what fun to see our little Beau dog!
Two boys who couldn't be happier to see their Kay-Kay and Paw-Paw Kenny.
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A sick little Bear

Just before Easter, Sweet Little Caleb got sick. He was all stopped up and congested and he sounded just awful when he breathed. So the doctor prescribed breathing treatments for him using a nebulizer.
At first Caleb didn't like the nebulizer at all,
but then he warmed up to it,
and decided it was lots of fun.

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Easter Egg Hunt

This year Easter weekend brought cold and dreary weather, but that didn't stop us from hunting for Easter eggs. We joined with a big group of our friends here at the seminary and we had one big Easter egg hunt. A good time was had by all. Not to mention all of the yummie candy and colorful eggs we scored.
A man on a mission.
Always time to share with Dad and Baby Brother.
Look! There's stuff inside this egg! Can you believe it?
Dad- coaching his little egg hunter.
Just some of our fellow hunter friends before the Easter egg hunt began. It was a blast!
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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Easter Camo

We found that the best way to HUNT for Easter eggs is wearing camouflage.
As you can see, Joshua Stephen and Caleb blend into their surroundings as they hunt for Easter eggs.
Daddy couldn't be prouder of his little camo boys.
And Mommy thinks their pretty cute!
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Our Firsts

Joshua Stephen- Easter 2006

I just love to look back on my boy's first special occasion (like Christmas, Easter, birthdays). It's so fun to see how they are each so unique and yet so alike. One thing's for sure they are both Super precious!!!

Caleb- Easter 2008
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Caleb's First Easter

This year we got celebrate our first Easter with Caleb. He was just tickled to celebrate such a joyous occasion.
He had so much fun with all of the bright colored eggs.
Here he is trying some of the fun treats inside.
He likes to spread out his treasures.
Who knew Easter eggs could be such a work out?

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Dying Easter eggs

We had so much fun getting to help Joshua Stephen dye Easter eggs this year.
Joshua Stephen had fun decorating eggs.
Daddy showing him how it's done.
So many colors to choose from.
It was so fun to see what masterpieces he created.
Plus they were super yummy!
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