We were so excited to have Poppa Larry and Hyang Mi come visit us here in St. Louis! This was my Dad's first visit to St. Louis so it was fun to get to show him where we live and to introduce him to some of my favorite friends. We got to enjoy lots of the sites of St. Louis like our incredible zoo, our famous arch as well as some upscale shopping. I especially enjoyed the weekend because I didn't make a single meal- my Dad treated us to lots of fun meals out at some of my favorite restaurants. And Poppa Larry had fun getting to share some of his ice cream with cute little Caleb (who still drinks only milk). We also got to have some fun cuddle time on the couch and show Poppa Larry all of our favorite toys. We can't wait til' our Poppa Larry comes for another visit!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Poppa Larry's Visit
The Log Cabin

Every Wednesday morning Joshua Stephen heads to the Log Cabin for Mom's Morning Out. The Log Cabin is a cute little building on campus that is frequently used for childcare. (We can see it from our front window and it is just a hop, skip and a jump from our front door.) The Log Cabin has been such a blessing to us because Joshua Stephen is such a social little guy- he just loves getting some playtime with his friends and he also adores all of the pretty girls who work there. Twice a semester I have the privilege of volunteering at the Log Cabin. It is always fun to get to see my little guy in action and to spend some time with the other kiddos that I hear so many stories about.
The Circus
We had so much fun getting to take our boys to the circus. Of course, Joshua Stephen just couldn't wait to see the elephants (he thought all of the elephants should be named Dumbo). And we loved all of the other animals like the white tigers, dogs and cats. Caleb also enjoyed all of the fun sights and sounds of the circus, so much so that he decided to skip his evening nap just to soak in all of the excitement of his surroundings. To make the evening extra special we were joined by our fun friends the Charette's and the Geensheer's.

Monday, November 5, 2007
My Husband- The Pheasant Warrior
Well, I am happy to say that my weekend of being a hunter's widow paid off. Our freezer (along with our neighbors deep freeze) are overflowing with pheasant thanks to Dawson's successful hunting trip this weekend. Dawson and his friend Lee traveled to Kansas this weekend for the opening day of pheasant season. Dawson had a great time and he returned home late Sunday night exhausted and sick (he now has a little head cold). He brought beautiful pheasant feathers home for Joshua Stephen, lots of pictures for Caleb to look at, and a big kiss just for me. We are excited to have our Pheasant Warrior home and we can't wait to sample some of his fine pheasant cuisine.
Dawson said watching the hunting dogs work their magic was pretty incredible.
Friday, November 2, 2007
The Pumpkin Patch and a cute little Pumpkin head
To get ready for the Fall we decided to take a trip to the Pumpkin Patch. We had so much fun! Caleb enjoyed the pumpkins so much that he decided he wanted to dress up as a little pumpkin' when we got home (or maybe it was Mom who decided that). In any case, I think I've got the cutest little Pumpkin' on the planet. I just love my boys!!!
(If you look closely you'll notice the boys are wearing matching shirts- I just love it when they match. Aren't they so cute?!?!)

(If you look closely you'll notice the boys are wearing matching shirts- I just love it when they match. Aren't they so cute?!?!)

Thursday, November 1, 2007
Who knew Tigger and Super Man were such good friends
Here's some pictures of our favorite little Trick-or-Treaters!!! Caleb dressed up as the ever so cute and cuddly Tigger, and Joshua Stephen had fun puting on his Super Man costume. Joshua Stephen absolutley loved Trick-or-Treating and of course he also enjoyed sampling some of his fun treats. All day long he has been wanting to dress up and go trick-or-treating again. Too bad he'll have to wait 364 more days before we can celebrate Halloween again.
Catching up with old friends
One of the highligts of our Disney trip was getting to catch up with our fun friends Scott and Becky. Becky was one of my first "Mom Friends" when we lived in Orlando. Back then we each only had one child and she was my favorite person to do baby sitting swaps with. Since moving from Orlando, we have both added another little one to our family. It was so fun to get to catch up with them and to introduce each other to our new little guys. The Lord is so good to bless us with rich friendships along the way.
Some of our Disneyland Memories
We took a ton of pictures during our Disneyland trip. Since they say a picture is worth a thousand words, I've decided to let the pictures tell our story. Enjoy just a few of our favorite pictures!!!
Caleb's thoughts on Disney
Fun in the sun here we come!!!
Do you think they know I am asleep under these glasses?

You want me to wake up to meet who?
Some Mouse guy? (I think my Mom might be a little obsessed.)
Big Brother sure does like to take me on rides.
Do you think they know I am asleep under these glasses?

You want me to wake up to meet who?
Some Mouse guy? (I think my Mom might be a little obsessed.)
Big Brother sure does like to take me on rides.
I'm plump tuckered out. I think I'll take a nap.
Well, Caleb was as content to be at Disneyland as he is anywhere else. He is a pretty easy going little guy so he pretty much likes wherever we are. He enjoyed taking in all of the sights and sounds of Disneyland, but he didn't let that interfere with any of his regularly scheduled plans like napping or taking a break to play and oohhh and ahhh at Mom and Dad. All in all, we think he had a great first trip to meet the Big Cheese- Mickey Mouse!
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